How Families that Need Life Insurance Get the Right Policy for the Right Price

An Unbiased, Independent Source for the Best Life Insurance Policy at the Right Price.

Many people need proper life insurance to protect their family or provide liquidity for their estate, and you have many choices. Learn why clients like having our team by their side, from Palm Beach County financial advisor Cary Stamp, CFP®.




Hi, my name is Cary Stamp, I’m the founder of Cary Stamp & Company. A lot of our clients ask us if we can help them obtain life insurance so they can protect their family or provide liquidity for their estate. You have a lot of choices when you go to try to find some life insurance.

You can use an online service, you could go to the agent that sells you your homeowner’s insurance, you can essentially go anywhere. But we’re a little bit different than using a traditional agent, especially if we get a tricky case. You see, we have a multitude of different insurance companies that we can use to get you the best possible deal in life insurance business.

I’m going to let you in on a little secret. It’s not easy and it requires a lot more work on our part to get it done, but here’s what we do. We first figure out what we’re trying to accomplish and we work backwards from there. We know the different carriers and different products that they offer, we know how much they cost and where the sweet spot is for different types of situations.

So we gather all of your health information from your doctors, from the hospital visits that you’ve had, we send an examiner out to take a look at you, take your blood pressure and maybe an EKG and a little bit of blood, and then we internally take a look at all of that information and make a determination about which insurance companies we would like to send that to so that they can bid on being your insurance provider. Did you get that? We don’t just send it to one company, we send it to a number of different companies and let them compete for the business.

This is the key because we can often get the best possible rating and the best possible price if we go about it this route. It’s going to take us a little bit longer. Generally, these situations can take six to eight weeks before we get the best possible insurance deal, but if you’re buying a policy that you’re going to pay on for 10, 20, 30 or 40 years, saving a little bit of money on the front end can be incredibly important. And making sure it’s the right coverage for you and your situation is exactly what we have in mind when we undertake that for any of our clients.

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