Business in Paradise – Palm Beach

Hosted by Cary Stamp, CFP®, AIF®, AEP®

EP15: MATT CARROLL – Quality is What the Customer Ordered

Cary is joined by Matt Carroll, the CEO of Hoover Architectural Products, as Matt advocates for the importance of exceptional quality in every facet of business. Matt shares his experience, expertise, and advice for launching and managing an enterprise, emphasizing the importance of first-class customer service in achieving and maintaining success.

In this episode, you’ll learn:

  • The importance of mentorship and an effective team dynamic
  • How to plan strategically for the long-term growth of your business
  • How to focus on customers’ needs and adapting your business strategy
  • What happened within the awning industry amidst the pandemic
  • The history and culture of Hoover Architectural Products
  • And more!

Tune in now to learn about Matt Carroll’s journey in nurturing a thriving regional business.

Resources: Cary Stamp & Co. | Cary Stamp | Matt Carroll | Hoover Architecture Products | Vistage

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